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VISA - Free Visit to Indonesia

<![endif]-->In order to improve the relations of the Republic of Indonesia and other countries, need to be given easy for foreigners from citizens, certain to enter and exit the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which is implemented in the form of exemption from the obligation to have a visitor's visa with regard to the principle of reciprocity and benefits and can provide more benefits to improve the economy through tourist arrivals.
      1.  Have a passport with a validity period of 6 (six) months
      2.  Have a return ticket or ticket to continue the journey to another country

Length of stay
Free visitor visas granted residence permit visits for a period of 30 (thirty) days can not be extended or converted into any other residence permit.
1.  Tourism
2.  Family
3.  Social
4.  Arts and culture
5.  The task of government
6.  Giving lectures or seminars
7.  Following a meeting held with headquarters or branches in Indonesia
8. Continuing the journey to another country

 List of countries visa-free visits

1. Afrika selatan 26. Botswana 51. Honduras
2. Albania 27. Brasil 52. Hongaria
3. Aljazair 28. Brunei darussalam 53. Hongkong (SAR)
4. Amerika serikat 29. Bulgaria 54. India
5. Andorra 30. Burkina faso 55. Inggris
6. Angola 31. Burundi 56. Irlandia
7. Antigua dan barbuda 32. Ceko 57. Islandia
8. Arab saudi 33. Chad 58. Italia
9. Argentina 34. Chili 59. Jamaika
10. Armenia 35. Denmark 60. Jepang
11. Australia 36. Dominika   61. Jerman
12. Austria 37. Ekuador 62. Kamboja
13. Azerbaijan 38. El savador 63. Kanada
14. Bahama 39. Estonia 64. Kazakhstan
15. Bahrain 40. Fiji 65. Kenya
16. Bangladesh 41. Filipina 66. Kepulauan marshall
17. Barbados 42. Finlandia 67. Kepulauan solomon
18. Belanda 43. Gabon 68. Kiribati
19. Belarusia 44. Gambia 69. Komoro
20. Belgia 45. Georgia 70. Korea selatan
21. Belize 46. Ghana 71. Kosta rika
22. Benin 47. Grenada 72. Kroasia
23. Bhutan 48. Guetamala 73. Kuba
24. Bolivia 49. Guyana 74. Kuwait
25. Bosnia dan herzegovina 50. Haiti 75. Kyrgyzstan
76. Laos 101. Namibia 126. Samon
77. Latvia 102. Nauru 127. San marino
78. Lebanon 103. Nepal 128. Sao tome dan principe
79. Lesotho 104. Nikaragua 129. Selandia baru
80. Liecthienstein 105. Norwegia 130. Senegal
81. Lithuania 106. Oman 131. Serbia
82. Luksemburg 107. Palu 132. Scychelles
83. Macao (SAR) 108. Palestina 133. Singapura
84. Madagaskar 109. Panama 134. Siprus
85. Makedonia 110. Pantai gading 135. Slovakia
86. Maladewa 111. Papua nugini 136. Slovenia
87. Malawi 112. Paraguay 137. Spanyol
88. Malaysia 113. Perancis 138. Sri lanka
89. Mali 114. Peru 139. Suriname
90. Malta 115. Polandia 140. Swaziland
91. Maroko 116. Portugal 141. Swedia
92. Mauritania 117. Puerto rico 142. Swiss
93. Mauritius 118. Qatar 143. Taiwan
94. Meksiko 119. Republik dominika 144. Tajikistan
95. Mesir 120. Romania 145. Tahta suci vatikan
96. Moldova 121. Rusia 146. Tanjung verde
97. Monako 122. Rwanda 147. Tanzania
98. Mongolia 123. Saint kitts dan navis 148. Thailand
99. Mozambik 124. Saint lucia 149. Timor leste
100. Myanmar 125. Saint vincent  150. Togo
151. Tonga 161. Tiongkok
152. Trinidad dan tobago 162. Uzbekistan
153. Tunisia 163. Vanuatu
154. Turki 164. Venezuela
155. Turkmenistan 165. Vietnam
156. Tuvalu 166. Yordania
157. Uganda 167. Yunani
158. Ukraina 168. Zambia
159. Uni emirate arab 169. Zimbabwe
160. Uruguay



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