Indonesia is the purpose of your investment. Potentials to be the strength of competitiveness with other countries like the abundant natural resources, a young and skilled workforce, large domestic market and continues to grow, as well as government support improve the investment climate and Indonesia's role at the international level. With political stability during the 17 years of democratic rule, the Indonesian economy was ready for takeoff. Let's invest in Indonesia remarkable
- Healthy Economies : ndonesia is the driver of economic growth in Asia. With GDP reached USD870 billion in 2014, Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia.
- Political stability : Political stability are the basic dynamics of economic life in Indonesia. Since the rise of autocratic rule 17 years ago, Indonesia, who had just run a democracy, successful
- Investment climate : Along with Indonesia's economic resilience during the global financial crisis and its aftermath, the government continues to reform the investment climate to create an investment destination safe and attractive.
- Natural resources : Indonesia is rich in natural resources from becoming a major producer of liquefied natural gas and an increase in the mining industry. Petroleum and mineral is the main commodity exports.
- Demography : Indonesia experienced a shift in population structure known by the term 'demographic bonus' where the number of productive working group in 2025-2035 will dominate.
- Domestic market : As a country with a population the 4th largest in the world, more than 53% of Indonesia's population live in urban areas with modern lifestyles and purchasing power increased community.
- Global role : Indonesia memainkan peran yang lebih dominan dalam isu-isu
global. Sebagai satu-satunya negara anggota G-20 dari Asia Tenggara,
Indonesia aktif menyuarakan kepentingan negara-negara berkembang.
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